Best egg substitutes

What to use instead of egg’s in you recipes can be a daunting concept. Eggs are in so many things especially baked good. They are incredibly versatile serving many different purposes in recipes, from adding moisture, leavening, binding. But luckily you stumbled across this blog post, where I talk about the different substitutes their are for eggs in cooking. I have done all the trail and error so you don’t have to

I use a variety of different egg substitutes depending on what I’m trying to create. Different substitutes accomplish different things. So first you need to figure out what the purpose of the eggs are in your recipe. Once you know this it will make choosing the correct substitute from the list below easier.

So what are eggs used for in baking?

  • Moisture– the eggs are absorbed by the other ingredients adding moisture to them. In cake recipes that lack other liquids usually means the eggs are their for moisture
  • Leavening – eggs can trap air pockets in food helping them to puff up or rise.
  • Binding – eggs can help hold and combine ingredients together giving the food structure and stopping it falling apart.
  • Taste– eggs help to bring out the flavours in other ingredients. I always say baking is an exact science. With the right combination of ingredients, they react with each other creating a taste sensation.
  • Appearance – eggs brown when cooked and help to baked goods to achieve that golden look

Egg Substitutes

Chia seeds/ ground Flaxseeds

1 tablespoon chia seeds or flaxseed combined with 2 1/2 tablespoons of water, leave to rest for a couple minutes until the water is absorbed. This will become a thick jelly like mixture and is the equivalent of 1 egg. This substitute works best in hearty bakes, such as breads, brownies and cookies. I’ve used this in my broccoli muffin recipe and also for binding burgers.

1 tablespoon chia seeds or flaxseed + 2 1/2 tablespoons of water = 1 egg

Apple Puree

1/4 cup of unsweetened apple puree takes the place of 1 egg. This is best for sweet baked goods and better avoided in savoury dishes. I used this substitute in my brownie recipe.

1/4 cup unsweetened apple puree = 1 egg

Ripe Banana

1/4 of a mashed banana which is approximately half a banana replaces 1 egg. You need to make sure the banana is well mashed without lumps. This is great in cakes, muffins and I’ve used this in my American style pancake recipe. Banana can add extra sweetness to a recipe so you may need to adjust the sugar level of a recipe.

1/4 cup mashed ripe banana = 1 egg

Arrowroot Powder

Arrowroot is a South American tuber plant that’s starch is extracted from the roots of the plant and made into a powder. Mix together 1 table spoon arrowroot powder and 2 table spoons water into a sticky paste to replace 1 egg. I have also been known to mix the arrowroot with oat milk such as in my sugar cookie recipe

1 table arrow root powder+2 tablespoon water = 1 egg

Plain Oat Yoghurt

Other plain alternative yoghurt can be used but my go to is always oat yoghurt. 1/4 cup will make up 1 egg. This is great in cakes, muffins and cookies. I’ve used this substitute in my savoury muffin recipe, carrot and courgette muffins

1/4 cup plain oat yoghurt = 1 egg

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